What is the Keyword in SEO and Meaning of the Keyword?

By | 23/06/2023
What is the Keyword in SEO and Meaning of the Keyword?

What is a keyword and why is a keyword important for a website and for a digital marketer? If we say in simple language, a keyword is a text and when we search by typing in Google, the same typing text is called a keyword.

If you only take information from the internet, then hardly you will know about what is the keyword. But if you are a blogger or a digital marketer and want to make a career in the field of digital marketing, then you must have heard the word keyword.

You must have seen many videos and read articles in which keywords are mentioned. But if you have not yet understood well what are keywords, what are the types of keywords and what is keyword research, then after reading this article all your doubts will be cleared.

Today in this post, we will know What is the Keyword in SEO and Meaning of the Keyword with complete detail and example. I am sure after reading this article till the end all your doubts related to keywords are going to be cleared, so read this article till the end.

So let’s start first of all with today’s great article.

Definition of Keyword

The words that a user uses to search for information or to access information are called keywords to get information from the Internet.

What is the Keyword in SEO and What is the meaning of the keyword?

The words used to find any information on the internet are called keywords. Whenever we search for any information on the internet, we search for something like this –

Best Samsung smartphone, best smartphone under 5000, best laptop, keyword kya hota hai, biryani recipe, etc. All these are called keywords.

It is a phrase or the title of the post cannot be spoken. By which you increase the traffic of your site. The topic you write on is also a keyword. If you want to write SEO-friendly articles for your website or for your client then you have to target a phrase. That We can call the target phrase the target keyword.

You can say that, you search anything in Google and you get results for all the queries, you can even call them a keyword. Now a question must have come to your mind what is the need for Keyword in the article or post? Now further we will answer this question.

Different types of keywords

Keywords can be of many types, out of which we have told you about 6 major types of keywords in this article –

Different types of keywords

Trending Keyword or Fresh Keyword

Fresh keywords are keywords that are searched a lot for some time, meaning keywords related to trending topics come under the category of fresh keywords. Fresh keywords are not searched for long, they are searched only for some time period.

Ever Green Keyword

Evergreen keywords are those keywords that are always searched. These types of keywords were searched earlier also, are being searched even today, and will be searched even further. The keyword Ever Green maintains its search volume. If you do blogging and want to stay in this field for a long time, then you should work on Ever Green Keyword.

Area Targeting Keyword

Area targeting keywords are keywords that target an area.

For example – Delhi Metro Route, Jobs in Delhi, SSC Course in Mumbai, Digital Marketing Course in Delhi, etc. The keywords are called area-targeting keywords.

If you run your business in one area or write about one area, then area-targeting keywords can be very beneficial for you.

Customer Targeting Keyword

Customer targeting keywords are keywords that specifically target a particular customer. Keywords like- best laptop bag for man, best shoes for man, cricket bat for under-16 boy, cricket kit bag for man, etc keywords. All these keywords have already fixed customers.

Product Targeting Keyword

Product targeting keywords are keywords that target a specific product. Like- Sonata Watch for Man, Samsung Galaxy Smartphone, SG Cricket Bat, etc. Types of keywords.

LSI Keyword (Latent Semantic Indexing)

LSI Keywords are those keywords that are related to our Main Keyword. The main reason to use LSI keywords in your articles is that our article ranks on these keywords as well, and we get good traffic. We also call these keywords secondary keywords. LSI keywords are very important in article ranking. That’s why these keywords should always be used in the article.

Types Of Keywords Used in SEO

Whenever we do keyword research, we get 3 types of keywords –

Short tail keywords

The keywords which use 1 to 3 words are called short tail keywords. The search volume is very high in short tail keywords and the competition in these keywords is also very high.

If you are totally new in the field of blogging or want to write content for your website then you should not work on short-tail keywords. Because working on short-tail keywords will take a long time for your website to rank. Mainly, we say that short-tail keywords are mostly used by bloggers who are experts in blogging.

Example: Blog meaning, Keyword Meaning, What is Blog, What is SEO All these types of keywords are called Short Tale Keywords.

Mid-tail keywords

Those keywords in which 3 to 5 words are used are called mid-tail keywords. These keywords have less search volume and competition than short-tail keywords.

Example – Smartphone in the price of 8000, Top 8 best Samsung phones, How Biryani is made. These types of keywords are called mid-tail keywords.

long tail keyword

Those keywords which use more than 5 words are called long tail keywords. Search volume is less in Long Tale Keyword but its advantage is that there is very less competition in it. If you work on long-tail keywords then your article is more likely to rank. Long tail keywords are beneficial for new bloggers.

Example – best smartphone under 5000 in India, Samsung galaxy note iii price in India, etc. These are all long-tail keywords.

What is Keyword Density?

The density of keywords can also be called. It tells how many times a keyword (phrase) is present in an article. The number of times a keyword is used compared to the number of words in the entire text.

Take an example, they have 100 words, and your phrase is there 3 times, so now the keyword density is 3%. According to Searching, High Keyword Density is a good sign for SEO. Remember, if you are using the same keyword again and again, it is also wrong, it is called keyword stuffing.

If you do this, your page will not appear in Google Search.

Whenever bots crawl your page, they crawl keywords. This lets them know which keywords your page is ranked for. Keyword density should be more than 2% of your entire article and if possible try to keep 1 to 2%.

You have to stay away from Keyword Stuffing. The more you focus on the Main Keyword, the faster your page rank will be. Pay more attention to the same long tail keyword.


I hope that you have got to learn a lot by reading this post (What is the Keyword in SEO and Meaning of the Keyword). If you still have any kind of confusion or question then our comment box is for you only.

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